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Solutions Enabler 8.3 Installation Guide

Adding EMC VMAX probe

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The EMC VMAX probe collects performance and configuration data about the EMC VMAX storage system from the EMC Unisphere and EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI (commonly referred to as SYMCLI).

The EMC Unisphere REST API is used to collect the performance data and SYMCLI is used to collect the configuration and volume's performance data.

NoteSYMCLI provides performance data of only those volumes that have some activity (IO Operations or Transfers). Based on the provided data, the Analyzer detail view server generates the volume's performance chart and shows on the UI.

The following diagram illustrates the data collection flow.

Configuration in target environment

EMC Unisphere for VMAX: A machine with EMC Unisphere for VMAX (, ,,,, installed, monitoring target storage systems. Use a login account with privileges to monitor the performance data of the VMAX storage systems.

EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI: A machine (could be the same as for EMC Unisphere for VMAX or different) with EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI (, 8.0.3,,,, installed, monitoring all the target storage systems for which you are adding the probe. If authentication is enabled for Symmetrix arrays, then add a megha user with the monitor role for each Symmetrix array.

Adding a megha user for the Symmetrix array

  1. Log on to the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI server.

  2. Go to the installation_location/symcli/bin directory.

  3. Verify that authorization is enabled using the following command:

    symauth list
  4. Add the megha user with the monitor access using the following command:

    symauth -sid                      SYMMETRIX_ID                      -file                      file_name                      commit

    Create a new file with the content (assign the megha user to the Monitor role) and provide it as a file name in the command to add the megha user with monitor access.

Install EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI

Before you begin

  • Save the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI tar file on the Analyzer probe server. (We recommend that you obtain the same version of EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI that is installed in the target environment.)
  • Make sure that the EMC Solutions Enabler SYMAPI Server Daemon service is running on the machine where the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI server is installed.


  1. Log on to the Analyzer probe server through an SSH client (like putty) as a root user.

  2. Navigate to the location where you have saved the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI tar file.

  3. Extract the tar file using the following command:

    tar -zvxf seversion-Linux-i386-SMI.tar.gz
  4. Install EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI using the following command:

    ./ -install -all
  5. The installation process prompts to set the password. Set the password and make a note of it. The same password is required while creating an SSL certificate.

Creating an SSL certificate

Create an SSL certificate on Analyzer probe server for the communication between the target device (EMC VMAX) and Analyzer probe server.


  1. Log on to the Analyzer probe server through an SSH client (like putty) as a root user.

  2. Go to the following directory:

                        cd /usr/emc/API/symapi/config/cert/
  3. Run the following command:

                        /usr/storapi/bin/manage_server_cert create                    Analyzer Probe server IP or hostname                  
  4. Enter the password that is set while Installing the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI.

Configure the environment variable entry in the netcnfg file

To collect data from target storage systems using EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI, edit the netcnfg file.

Before you begin

Verify the security_level property on the machine where the EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI server is installed.


  1. Log on to the Analyzer probe server through an SSH client (like putty) as a root user.

  2. Edit the netcnfg file:

    vi /var/symapi/config/netcnfg
  3. At the end of the file, add the following:

    SYMCLI_Unisphere_IP_address_or_host_name                    - TCPIP                    Server_Nodename                    IP_Address                    Port                    Security_Level                  

    For example, based on the above data collection diagram you must add the entry as shown below:

    SYMCLI_10.10.10.14 - TCPIP WIN-PC1 2707 NONSECURE SYMCLI_10.10.10.14 - TCPIP WIN-PC4 2707 NONSECURE  SYMCLI_10.10.10.15 - TCPIP WIN-PC4 2707 SECURE

    Server_Nodename is the Server host name where EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI is installed in the target environment.

    IP_Address is the IP address of the machine where EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix CLI is installed in the target environment.

    Security_Level if security level is set to NONSECURE or ANY, then use NONSECURE. If security level is set to SECURE, then use SECURE.

    • Default port number

      2707-TCP for SYMCLI

  4. Edit the /etc/hosts file, and add an entry for the target SYMAPI server:

                        SYMAPI_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS                    SYMAPI_SERVER_HOST_NAME                  

    For example: WIN-PC1

    NoteIf you are using a DNS server, then configure it on the probe to avoid making changes in the /etc/hosts file.

  5. Save the file.

Adding EMC VMAX probe

EMC VMAX probe collects data from EMC VMAX storage systems.

The configuration data and the performance data of the VMAX volumes is collected using Symmetrix CLI.


  1. On the Analyzer probe home page, click Add Probe.

  2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes menu, select EMC VMAX.

  3. In the Unisphere for VMAX Details window, click Add Unisphere.

  4. In the Provide EMC Unisphere Details window, type the following details, and then click Next:

    • IP Address: IP Address of the EMC Unisphere for VMAX.
    • User name and Password: User name and password for EMC Unisphere with privileges to access the performance data.
  5. In the Validation window, click Next.

  6. In the Select VMAX Storage Systems window, select the VMAX storage systems, and then click Next.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Adding VMAX probe for an already added EMC Unisphere for VMAX

You can add VMAX probe for previously added EMC Unisphere for VMAX.

  1. On the Analyzer probe home page, click Add Probe.

  2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes menu, select EMC VMAX.

  3. In the Unisphere for VMAX Details window, in Action, click Add storage.

  4. Select the VMAX storage systems for which you want to add VMAX probe, and then click Next.

  5. Click OK.

Editing details of EMC Unisphere for VMAX

You can change the password or user name of the EMC Unisphere or Symetrix CLI host IP address if these details have been changed on the targets.

  1. In the Status window, stop the VMAX probe.

  2. Click the Edit link corresponding to the EMC Unisphere for VMAX.

  3. In the Edit VMAX Unisphere Details window, edit the user name or password, and then click Next.

  4. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.

Solutions Enabler 8.3 Installation Guide
