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Mass Effect 3 Eclipse Other Solution

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After completing the mission linked with the achievement "Fact Finder," I came to find that my money had completely vanished. I hadn't noticed how dire it made things until I realized that my fuel reserves were also empty! And since the mission had been in a system without a mass effect relay, my ship automatically set course to the nearest one within the system when I directed my ship off-system. Before I embarked to do this mission, I am certain I had full reserves and I know I wouldn't have if I hadn't. I reloaded an earlier save, actually the one right before I started the mission (thanks to quick saves making up for it) and checked the amount of credits I had - ~130k, when in my most recent, and now no longer in use, is merely above 10k.

Also, a bit later, on the older save sans-"Fact Finder" mission, I chose to do a different mission instead of this one just in case and the game hard locked on me during a loading screen.

Unfortunate, yes. Anyone else run into some bugs? I've heard about the Hanar embassy one, in which leaving the Citadel during the visit you activated it renders it impossible to complete in later visits. Of course, that could be wrong.

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I got reset to level 1 when I loaded my save. Quit, reloaded, and it was fixed.

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I had Shep and Liara follow that little hovering drone with their heads while looked like they didn't want to look each other in the eyes!

 And then my Shep's head did a 360...

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Five hard locks, all in loads.

Game has some serious problems with loading.

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A fair amount of hard crashes on PC so far. Also the game wouldnt recognise my ME2 save so I had to pick 1 up that seemed the closest to what my save was. Unfortunately the save didnt have Shadow Broker complete so I feel like I'm missing out on some dialog stuff.

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Reviews: 10

User Lists: 18

I've had one crash on the PC and couldn't move for some reason a couple times. Reload seemed to fix any problems.

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I've had a few conversations with walls.

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Woman with a gigantic head (can't confirm as a bug, might have been intentional. It was on the Grissom Academy mission).

Quests on Citadel unfinishable: the Hanar diplomat quest and the refugee picture-taking quest.

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

I had Shep and Liara follow that little hovering drone with their heads while looked like they didn't want to look each other in the eyes! And then my Shep's head did a 360...

This. It was pretty hilarious.

@Murtaug said:

In fact, I have had more issues with Shepard randomly being placed on top of environmental items he should not be able to climb than any other bug.

This. Specifically remember after a conversation with EDI winding up being placed on top of her (har) and I'm sure if I had moved in the right way I'd have ended up outside of the environment, but I didn't understand what was going on until I had corrected it.

More that I can't remember at the moment.

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Game's fine. I had the Hanar Diplomat problem, but after doing a few missions and coming back, I noticed it was complete. Good to me.

Other than that, I've had a few small problems, like Garrus not appearing when someone was talking to him, also happened in Mass Effect 2, when I was in Tuchunka. An audio back where Shepard's voice was basically inaudible during small conversations around the Citadel, etc - not when you go into conversation mode.

I wouldn't call this a bug, but trying to keep my party where I want them is probably the hardest thing in the game. There have been parts, most recently when fighting to strong biotics, where I was circling the room, trying to keep my squad with me by either telling them to keep going in front of me, or pressing the down button on the D-pad, for them to follow. They end up just staying at the other side of the room and getting killed over, and over. Other than that, Insanity is not hard, once again. Although, it isn't as easy as ME2.

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Sometimes I'll be unable to click any powers in the power tray. To fix it I have to exit the game completely.

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  • Misplaced camera angles in cut scenes and dialogues
  • Non-dynamic scripted animations
  • dialogues fading out in the middle of a conversation
  • Door to the Volus ambassador quest not triggering
  • Dr Chakwas head movement bug
  • Staring contest in certain conversations bug
  • Mouth movement bug in 'free-roam' conversations
  • Armor loading bug

That's about it I think.

Avatar image for rjayb89

@Sirico said:

My friend has gone back to the first game after his saves kept crashing

sorry to blogspam but he described it here

Poor guy. There's some relatively amazing callbacks to the previous games, so I think it'll be worth it in the end for the guy. They even have a quest that involves that guy from that batarian DLC for the first game. If having completed that DLC even matters, of course.

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The mission on the moon of Palaven refused to trigger an event after I cleared out the airfield allowing me to continue on. I reloaded and that fixed the problem.

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Fallen through the multiplayer maps multiple times. Like, 4 times in 12 games. It's seriously broken. Shame, as I really love their take on co-op....

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had Hacket appear "in the flesh" at the hologram call station. just stood there, couldn't interact with him.

got a game over screen right when i pressed OK to go on the last mission.

game would change my load out once in awhile, emptying a back slot for my gun.

2 freezes on loading.

-Hacket out.

Avatar image for generalzod37

While on the first floor of the citadel a keeper clipped me over the edge of the railing and I fell to my perceived doom.

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Ah, that reminds me. Before the "Citadel thing," there were these turians near Purgatory chatting about something so naturally I stood right in between them to listen. Moments later, another turian walked up behind me and essentially trapped me. I had to reload. It's times like these that having capture gear would be awesome.

Avatar image for starvinggamer

I had some odd head turning during a few dialogue sequences and once got stuck in the geometry of the Normandy near Joker. Those weren't that big of a deal.

But there was one really weird one. Somehow one of my auto-saves got corrupted and my custom Shepard suddenly looked like default Shepard and even though my mission progression hadn't changed, all the money/items/levels I had accumulated were reset. Luckily I quick-save like a fiend.

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eclipse mission on citadel glitched, never received a radio call that was supposed to progress the mission. can't finish it now.

a few graphical glitches which are more funny than annoying though - shep's hand going haywire when trying to talk on her earpiece thing. edi's eyes got stuck looking in one direction once.

Avatar image for meatball

I had a round of multiplayer where all of the enemies were invisible to me and me only.

Shepard spent a conversation with Liara with his head turned to the left, he was staring at her bed, guess he was longing for some hanky panky.

Avatar image for andrewb

Add to my list:

Many cover-related issues of either not jumping over things, not sticking to things, or teleporting into/through walls.

Also: invisible turrets, and this one bizarre moment where my squadmates disappeared from the world map (were no longer showing up on the minimap, and were nowhere to be seen). I was unable to investigate further because them not being there got me killed.

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My favorite one happens during cutscenes. Fir whatever reason, a character will shrink in size, becoming the size of a child. It was funny seeing them having to look up at you during conversations.

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Conrad sequence didn't present properly for me, its final cutscene triggered when I talked to some doctor without any setup

Avatar image for markhawk

There is a computer in Liara's chamber that is supposed to allow me to buy new upgrades I think but it never has anything when I access it. Im told by Glyth that there are new items available but I I log in and it's empty. Im about 12-15 hours in and it's never provided me with anything.

Also had the Hanar issues... sucks! Kusmi!

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Twice the same door on the side mission where you save students from Cerberus wouldnt open for me. Guess it couldnt load the next area. It would just sit there with the door icon spinning for 5+ minutes. Worst thing that had happened to me... not a huge deal.

Avatar image for lanegan

@Brodehouse said:

Five hard locks, all in loads. Game has some serious problems with loading.

four and counting here

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Both Zaeed and Kasumi's quests are broken for me along with two other minor side quests on the citadel.  Also got locked in geometry about 5 times on the Normandy.

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In the funny bug category, I keep seeing this one guy in the c-sec waiting area at the Citadel who keeps gliding around as if on roller skates. This 2nd one isn't a game glitch, but it would seem as though Origin has screwed me with some sort of online pass bug or something. I got the collector's edition and entered my online pass code that came with it, which was accepted, the first time I booted up the game (x360). I played single-player for about 2 hours then shut down and did some other stuff. An hour later, I loaded the game back up to play and it asked me for my online passcode again. I entered it and it said it was invalid because it has already been used. Now I can't access multiplayer, and although I don't have any real interest in it, I feel like I was worked over here a bit. Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone have a solution?

Avatar image for phrosnite

30 hours in, nothing game-breaking. Little visual weirdness that will be fixed in the next 2 patches. Game's awesome. I love it. Carnifex pistol ftw.

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Shepard developed a metallic, tin man style face for a single cut-scene conversation.

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Whenever Cerburus is dropped off by those kodiak shuttles, if you use singularity or some other power that knocks them off of their feet at least one enemy will be left floating in the air, long after the shuttle has disappeared. Their corpse still stays floating about as well!

Not to mention 'Agent Noles' sinking into the ground (I thought Batarians were fucking huge, turns out she was waist deep in the floor) and floating in the air...

Avatar image for donchipotle

The very start of the Thessia mission. The turret part. I had to restart the mission five times because the enemies would stop spawning. So I would exit the turret and have the Asari yell at me to get in the turret.

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I've had dialog scenes with invisible characters, specifically Liara talking to Jacob and the angry man sitting on the couch in the C-Sec outpost. I also have a weird bug with the lights on the Citadel. A layer of the effect isn't anchored to the light and it moves all over the screen when you move the camera.

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Talking to EDI guaranteed that I'd get stuck on the floor, 90% of the time.

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My friend came across a few...

We both still really like the game though.. at least until we got to the ending.

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Garrus was invisible for a good 5 hours of my game. Very..interesting conversations when he was there but he wasn't there.

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Other than head movement weirdness, I ran into invisible walls/platforms on the Citadel hospital entrance near Thane. Also, squad members disappearing (but still doing biotics).

If you are on the PC and change the FOV with the fan made patch, a lot of cut scenes look hilarious (characters moving on air, no leg animations, etc).

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My first conversation with the Engineer on the Normandy sent the camera absolutely bananas.

It began with Shepard's face in an uncomfortable close up, went inside the wall geometry from a side angle so you could see weird visual artifacts obscuring both of them, then it started moving looking at the ground, followed by a blank wall, and rounding out with a look at Shepard's balls while the conversation concluded.

Fun times.

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I've only had weird conversation bugs with characters looking in random directions or jittering around the screen. Sometimes, Shepard's eyes roll all the way back when he's talking and at one point a character said something to one of my squadmates and when the camera focused on said squadmate when they responded they weren't there, so I was just staring at a wall.... It's very bizarre sometimes.

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@drag said:

eclipse mission on citadel glitched, never received a radio call that was supposed to progress the mission. can't finish it now.

a few graphical glitches which are more funny than annoying though - shep's hand going haywire when trying to talk on her earpiece thing. edi's eyes got stuck looking in one direction once.

I had the same one with the Eclipse mission, that's the one bug I saw. Other than people should be dead appearing in the end video.

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  • Liara was invisible like three times. Once when I was kissing her in the Presidium. It was...strange, especially the weird way Shepard's mouth moved.
  • Hanar diplomat quest bugged out, couldn't advance past the first terminal. Seriously disappointed at the lack of Hanar, Elcor, and Volus interactions in this game.
  • One hard lock on a loading screen.
  • Shepard did the 'hand to ear' thing npcs do during calls and wound up clipping her hand into her cheek.
  • No option to interact with PTSD soldier after she finishes her story.
  • Not sure if this counts as a bug, but (spoiler): I had Liara in my party when I was charging down the ramp at Harbinger. She waltzed off the Normandy at the end. I figure the only way she wasn't vaporized like everyone else was if she did not actually follow me down the ramp. Bitch!
  • Conversation with Liara in her room where I was not looking at her.
  • Squadmates didn't always respond to my commands. Once I ordered them to attack the only remaining enemy, and they just faced the wall. Maybe that's what saved liara.

All in all, I think I've run into more bugs than I do in typical runs through Bethesda games.

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I got to Anderson in the demo area and he dragged me through almost the entire first scene of the game, up ladders even. It was pretty funny. I finally got dislodged when we ran across the injured dude tho.

Have missed a line or so of dialogue in conversation because it will just jump ahead for no reason like I hit the space bar.

I kept shouting at the dragon, but he wouldn't land until I restarted. Oh wait, wrong game.

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I was talking to the doctor once and she was faced away from me for some reason and when it did the reverse shot of her, her eyes were all the way backwards in her skull and you could just see the white part.

I did not talk to her ever again.

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I found this secret area underneath the citadel embassies, full of 2D people

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The cutscene after Kai Leng is killed didn't trigger for me twice.

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Sometime enemies completely ignore the fact that I'm cloaked. Not like Thresher maws or anything. Like regular enemies and shield guys....

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System crashed/froze 6-7 times.

Bunch of animation bugs during conversations (like characters being backwards, and at one point Shepard's neck was twisted at an unnerving angle).

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@Animasta: That's not a glitch though, its actually Reaper tech that transforms life forms into 2D textures.
let the bodies hit the floor 
let the bodies hit the floor

Mass Effect 3 Eclipse Other Solution
